Spring Chapter Meeting, by Zoom, May 1, 2020

Our spring chapter meeting will be held on May 1, 2020, electronically via Zoom.


10am – call to order, business meeting, announce and install the new secretary/treasurer

10:30 – Presentation by composer, performer, and Oyster Bay (Nassau County) Librarian Leonard Lehrman  “Victory Jive,” an early song by Leonard Bernstein

11:00 – Ruthann McTyre leads an MLA strategic planning focus group discussion (I have some questions that she would like us all to consider, appended below)

noon-ish (or whenever Ruthann finishes) until we decide we’re done – Open forum, possible topics

  • best thing about working from home
  • most interesting/effective strategy employed by your institution
  • most challenging thing for you personally, work-related or otherwise
  • challenges your institution is facing
  • is there life without print collections?
  • most surprising thing you’ve learned that you can take back to in-office work
  • literally anything else you want to share about living and/or working in this crisis

Here are the questions Ruthann would like us to be thinking about:

  1. What is MLA doing exceptionally well?
  2. If there was one thing MLA could do better, what would that be?
  3. What would make MLA a diverse and inclusive organization?
  4. In 10 years, what will MLA look like? What will be different about our organization?

This will be by far the largest Zoom meeting I’ve ever hosted, so I humbly ask your patience and forgiveness in advance for the stuff I’m bound to mess up.

Zoom invitation follows. RSVP encouraged, but optional. Feel free to invite any interested colleagues, I know Leonard has invited a few people to drop in on his performance. 

I still hope to get us out to BookOps and maybe even Stoneybrook, but obviously not this time. 

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