No Spring/Summer meeting due to IAML/IMS meeting in NYC

Due to the IAML/IMS meeting taking place in New York City from 6/22-26, 2015, the GNYMLA chapter will forgo its usual spring/summer meeting. We will re-group in Fall 2015 for our next meeting (details will be forthcoming in the early fall).

The program of the IAML/IMS conference, and further details on the meeting, are available at these links:

Some chapter business items to be discussed will go out to the membership via the email listserv, including:

  • a new system for chapter dues payments, via the main MLA web site
  • invitation for candidates to run for chapter Vice-Chair (3-year term, commencing summer 2015)
  • invitation for candidates to run for Chair (3-year term, commencing fall 2015)
  • the move of this web site onto pages on the main MLA site

Please email me with any further suggested business items for the chapter, at (or post them to the GNYMLA listserv).

Thanks all, and, wishing you all a pleasant and productive summer!

Nick Patterson
Chair, GNYMLA chapter (2012-2015)

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