Our spring chapter meeting will be held on May 1, 2020, electronically via Zoom.
10am – call to order, business meeting, announce and install the new secretary/treasurer
10:30 – Presentation by composer, performer, and Oyster Bay (Nassau County) Librarian Leonard Lehrman “Victory Jive,” an early song by Leonard Bernstein
11:00 – Ruthann McTyre leads an MLA strategic planning focus group discussion (I have some questions that she would like us all to consider, appended below)
noon-ish (or whenever Ruthann finishes) until we decide we’re done – Open forum, possible topics
- best thing about working from home
- most interesting/effective strategy employed by your institution
- most challenging thing for you personally, work-related or otherwise
- challenges your institution is facing
- is there life without print collections?
- most surprising thing you’ve learned that you can take back to in-office work
- literally anything else you want to share about living and/or working in this crisis
Here are the questions Ruthann would like us to be thinking about:
- What is MLA doing exceptionally well?
- If there was one thing MLA could do better, what would that be?
- What would make MLA a diverse and inclusive organization?
- In 10 years, what will MLA look like? What will be different about our organization?
This will be by far the largest Zoom meeting I’ve ever hosted, so I humbly ask your patience and forgiveness in advance for the stuff I’m bound to mess up.
Zoom invitation follows. RSVP encouraged, but optional. Feel free to invite any interested colleagues, I know Leonard has invited a few people to drop in on his performance.
I still hope to get us out to BookOps and maybe even Stoneybrook, but obviously not this time.
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