Travel Grant for MLA Norfolk

Hello, Everyone–

I am delighted to announce that GNYMLA will be offering a travel grant for the 89TH Annual Meeting of the Music Library Association in Norfolk, VA, February 26-March 1, 2020. MLA has awarded the chapter $500 for this purpose, and we will match that amount for a total of $1000.

Applicants must be currently enrolled in a library science program, a library professional in their first 5 years of employment, or a paraprofessional who works with music collections.

Qualifying applicants must send an application that includes:

  • A statement detailing why they wish to attend MLA Norfolk;
    • how they hope attendance will benefit their education, job performance, and/or career goals. 
    • If currently employed, how can their attendance benefit their library patrons? 
    • Is this their first MLA national conference?
  • An anticipated budget and brief statement of financial need– will attendance be impossible (or at least a hardship) without this grant?
  • Current resume/CV (this doesn’t have to be fancy, it’s not a job application. We just want to know a little bit about your career path-to-date. Just the basic facts!)

Applications will be evaluated by GNYMLA officers and the grant awarded by majority vote. In the event of a three way tie, the winner will be selected from those three by drawing a name from a New York Mets cap.

Please email your application, cc’ing each of your GNYMLA officers:

Applications should be submitted by the end of the day on 11/29/19. The grant will be awarded before the end of the calendar year 2019.

The winner of the grant may use the $1000 towards MLA membership, conference registration, travel, lodging, and dining expenses. They will be expected to submit a post-conference report of roughly 700 words for publication on the chapter blog.

Please feel free to spread this around to anyone who might be eligible and interested!

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