Discussion of GNYMLA chapter’s executive structure @ MLA 2011

Hello GNYMLA members,

Please note that there will be a discussion of the GNYMLA chapter’s executive structure and length of terms for officers, at the upcoming chapter business meeting, which will take place on Thursday, 2/10 from 5-6pm, in room Commonwealth C at the 2011 MLA meeting in Philadelphia.

Following up on issues raised by Andy Toulas (Chair) during our Fall 2010 meeting, there will be a discussion of what other MLA local chapters do re: officer terms of service and elections. The GNYMLA chapter is currently the *only* chapter where all officers are elected (and leave) all at the same time. The issue is that this may lead to gaps in continuity and in unnecessarily rough transitions, and the chapter may benefit from adjusting our structure to be more in line with general MLA local chapter practice.

I’ve posted a survey of the structure of officers’ terms and elections at other MLA local chapters, in a PDF at this link:


Please take a look, and bring your ideas to the chapter’s business meeting in Philadelphia. If you will not be attending the meeting, feel free to comment here, on the GNYMLA listserv, or on our Facebook page. You can also email me comments directly at patterson@columbia.edu.

Hope to see many of you in Philadelphia!

Best, /Nick

Nick Patterson
GNYMLA chapter
Membership Info
email patterson@columbia.edu for membership status inquiries

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