Spring Meeting Registration Links

Our spring meeting plans are moving forward as previously announced. The meeting will take place on Friday, June 17. Here’s the schedule: 

  • 9:30am – informal breakfast gathering in Bryant Park. Those of us who can come in person and want to socialize for a bit can do so, outdoors at Bryant Park. The chapter will provide light breakfast fare– pastries, coffee, juice– as has happened in the past.
  • 10:30am – tour of the Polonsky Exhibition of the New York Public Library’s Treasures exhibit. Guided by distinguished GNYMLA member Rebecca Littman.
  • 3pm – virtual business meeting and presentations. This will be over Zoom only. We are not booking a physical space. There will be time for anyone who has come for the in-person events to have lunch, get back to their own lair, and participate in the Zoom meeting.

If you plan to attend in person at Bryant Park & the Schwarzman Building, you must register using this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gnymla-chapter-meeting-spring-2022-tickets-353973613607 – we need an accurate count of attendees. Please do this by June 14 at the latest. 

For the afternoon Zoom meeting, please use this link to register: https://newschool.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsdOGrqzIuHdzOQKfHYsaJfDB1G02KWWYy

You may register for either or both. 

The field is still open for presentations in the afternoon, and nominations for chapter chair are also still open. 

See you soon! 

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