GNYMLA Spring meeting and elections

Greetings GNYMLAers,
Happy New Year to everyone! I have two announcements to pass along here.

First, our spring chapter meeting will be taking place on Friday, April 5, 2019. Our host will be The ARChive of Contemporary Music, located at 54 White Street in lower Manhattan. The program will include presentations from archivists at the ARC, as well as Elizabeth Surles, archivist at the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers-Newark. Mark your calendars!

Second, my tenure as Chapter Chair is ending in May 2019, so we are seeking nominations for the position of Chapter Chair. If you are interested in running for election please let me know by Friday, February 8, 2019. We will be holding an online election later in February. If you have any questions about what is involved feel free to contact me directly.

Eric Mortensen
GNYMLA Chapter Chair

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