GNYMLA election results

The chapter election concluded on Friday, March 31. We had 37 votes out of 54 ballots sent to members, a 69% participation level.

Michael Crowley, Chief of the Music Library at City College of New York, has been elected as our new Secretary-Treasurer, receiving 37 out of 37 votes. Congratulations to Michael and thanks to him for agreeing to serve in this position.

On the ballot issue to raise annual dues from $10 to $15, the measure passed with 29 Yes votes (80%) and 7 No votes (19%), with one abstention. The increase will take affect with the next fiscal year in July 2017.

Thanks to all who participated in the election. Congratulations and thanks again to Michael Crowley, our incoming Secretary-Treasurer, and to Janelle Varin, our outgoing Secretary-Treasurer. Thank you for your service.

Eric Mortensen
GNYMLA Chapter Chair

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