GNYMLA Chapter Spring meeting: Friday, May 20, 2016

Greetings GNYMLAers!

Please join us for our Spring Chapter meeting on Friday, May 20, 2016 at Columbia University’s Butler Library! We have arranged for a presentation and viewing of materials from the recently acquired Prokofiev Archive, including manuscript scores of the composer’s works. Special thanks to Archivist Natalia Ermolaev and Curator Jenny Lee at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library (RBML) at Columbia for graciously agreeing to share this treasure with us!

We have also reserved time in the morning for presentations from our members, so we are looking for volunteers to present. Do you have an interesting project that you’d like to share with your chapter colleagues? Have you recently presented at MLA or other conferences? Or perhaps a new presentation in the works that you’d like to share? Please consider presenting at our chapter meeting in May. Please contact any or all of the chapter officers with your proposal: Eric Mortensen (emortensen[at], Colin Bitter (cbitter[at], and Janelle Varin (varinj[at]

Presentations will be followed by a business meeting, where we will discuss a few items of interest to the chapter. Please send me any items you might like to see on the agenda.

Our proposed schedule:

9:30 Attendees begin to arrive. Coffee and snacks will be provided. Butler Library Room 523
10:00-12:00/12:30 Member presentations followed by business meeting
12:30-2:00 Lunch (off campus)
2:00-4:00 Prokofiev archive presentation/viewing (Chang Seminar Room, 6th floor, Butler Library)

RSVP is encouraged so we can get a head count for coffee and snacks. Please send a quick email to me at emortensen[at] Also please let us know if you’d like to present at this meeting!

Special thanks to our Vice-Chair Colin Bitter for arranging this meeting!

Thanks and I hope to see you all at Columbia on May 20!

Eric Mortensen
GNYMLA Chapter Chair

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