GNYMLA Fall 2010 meeting date and program

On Tuesday, November 9, 2010, the GNYMLA chapter (Greater New York Chapter) invites all interested parties to our Fall Meeting at Westminster Choir College of Rider University.

Westminster Choir College of Rider University
101 Walnut Lane
Princeton, NJ 08540-3819

Talbott Library, part of Rider University Libraries, supports the music curriculum of Westminster Choir College of Rider University, located in Princeton, NJ. Talbott’s collections comprise over 67,000 books, music scores and periodicals, approximately 5,400 choral music titles in performance quantities, a choral music reference collection of over 80,000 titles, and over 23,000 sound and video recordings. Additionally, exceptional holdings are found in the library’s special collections

Our itinerary for the day is diverse and informative.

10:30 -11:30: Coffee / refreshments, tour of the library collection, and business meeting.

11:30 -12:30: Observe rehearsal of Westminster Symphonic Choir

12:30 -2:00: Lunch in downtown Princeton, possibly ‘lunch on your own’ or ‘in small groups’ depending on the head count.

2:30 – 3:30: Tour of the ReCAP facility*.

In June 2000, Columbia University, Princeton University and The New York Public Library signed a partnership agreement to jointly construct and operate a remote high-density book shelving facility. The newly formed partnership is officially entitled The Research Collections and Preservation (ReCAP) Consortium, Inc.
These major research libraries agreed to store their low use items at ReCAP. You are invited to browse the website.

**First we will begin with the history, take a walking tour of the facility with an explanation of our process and then finish with questions and answers.

You do not need to be a chapter member to attend but we request that you advise us if you plan to come. Neighboring chapter members may also find this program valuable.

NOTE: We have been asked for a head count so please confirm with one of the following no later than November 5th.

Andrew Toulas , Chair:

Barbara Walzer, Vice Chair:

Nick Patterson, Secretary/Treasurer:

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