GNYMLA Spring/Summer meeting, 6/16/10

June is finally upon us and with that it is time for the GNYMLA spring/summer chapter meeting. As announced in an earlier save the date e-mail, the meeting will be hosted at Columbia University on June 16th. This meeting will be an all day event and consist of three presentations and a business meeting with two hours for a lunch break.

Links for directions and maps to Columbia University by public transportation and car are at the bottom of the page. Please RSVP to if you plan on attending this meeting.
It would be helpful to the hosting institution for lunch and meeting room arrangements.

Also – the new membership year (2010-11) begins July 1. This meeting would be a perfect time to get current with past/present/future membership dues. You can print out a membership form from the link below, fill it out and bring cash or a check to the meeting.

Membership information

I hope to see many of you there.

Andrew Toulas (MLA Chair)

Morning session – Dodge Hall (Room 404)

9:30am Coffee/Refreshments

10:00-11:00am Presentations

– Elizabeth Davis: “A force for American music: the Alice M. Ditson Fund at Columbia University”

– Nick Patterson: “Archives of the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center”

11:00am-12:00 noon Business Meeting

12:00-2:00pm Lunch (A list of local restaurants will be available)

Afternoon session – Butler Library (Room 523)

2:00-4:00pm Presentation of materials from the Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Here’s a link to directions to Columbia for car and public information.

By subway, take the #1 train to the 116th St. stop. There is an entrance to the Columbia campus right at 116th and Broadway, as you come up from the train.

Google map
Campus map

The Music & Arts Library is on the 7th floor of Dodge Hall (but, note, the morning meeting is in room 404 Dodge!). Entry to Dodge is from the upper campus level.

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